- 2- input channels. 30MHz bandwidth. 240MS/s per channel sampling step markers. 8 bit vertical resolution. 30uV min sensitivity
- 1mV - 20V/div volts per div. 25ns - 1hr/div time base
- AC/DC input coupling. RS232 communication w/ PC
- Dimensions: 9.1" x 5.9" x 2". 30oz.
- Battery pack included. Fast charge possible
- High contrast LCD with white backlight
- Full auto set-up for volt/div and time/div
- Recorder roll mode up to 170h per screen, trigger mode (run, normal, once, roll), adjustable trigger level and slope
- Peak measurements: max, min, peak to peak
- Measurements: ms, dB(rel), dBV, dBm, dBG. Direct audio power measurements
- Complete with probes, software, cable, battery pack